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/ 100,000 Images: Clip Art / ValuSoft 100000 images clip art - Insert.jpg < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1998-01-01  |  2MB  |  2866x1424
Labels: text | font | paper | screenshot | publication | document | number
OCR: INSTALLATION for Power Point) If the program you are trying to copy images into use these filters then you Choose Run ... from the Start menu then type D:\SETUP.EXE (change D: if your CD-ROM drive uses MUST use that program's 'import' or 'insert picture' feature so that it can pass the image a different letter). Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. The install pro- through it's graphic filters. In this case our GraphicView 32 program will only enable you to view gram will create a folder on your Start / Programs menu called Valu-Soft and an icon to launch or browse through the images in order to locate an image you want to use. Once you have the GraphicView 32 image browser. found that image using the browser you will need to go into the program you are wanting to BROWSING THE CD-ROM use and utilize that program's 'import' or 'insert picture' feature to navigate to the particular folder on the 100,000 Clip Art CD ROM and transfer that image into your project. If you are The art on the CD-ROM is in two formats; the first is WMF, also know as Windows Metafile and using a photo-editing program you can simply start that program and "open" the images. the second is GIF or Graphics Interchange Format. The WMF is a good choice when you need to enlarge or shrink a piece of art to fit your need. The second, GIF, are in a compressed format While some Windows applications will allow you to 'Drag-and-Drop' images from our browser that reduce picture images to very small file sizes and are ideal for use on a web page. These directly into their programs, many do not. images work best in printed documents when they are left at their original size. SAVING THE GIF IMAGES: To browse the WMF files, make sure the CD is in your CD-ROM drive and start the browser our Once you have launched the index.htm file in your web browser, you will be allowed to navi- CD installed on your system called GraphicView32. When you start this program you will see a gate to the kind of image you are looking for and customize it based on color and style. When directory of your computer on the left. Look down the list and locate your CD-ROM drive. you navigate to the image you want, and the image is all alone on your screen, right click on Typically this is your D, E, or Q drive. Double click on your CD-ROM drive and four folders will the image and choose "Save Picture As' or go to FILE and SAVE AS. At this point you may appear ^ Cache, Images, Webgen, Zipuptheweb. To view the WMF images, click on the Images rename the image if you desire and save the image you have chosen to your computer hard folder and then into any one of the 7 Gcorp folders. Inside of each of these folder are a multi- drive. You will then need to launch the program you wish to use the image in and follow that tude of categories to choose from; click on one of the folders and the GraphicView 32 image program,s instructions for importing or inserting the image you selected. browser will show you the images in that folder. If at any time you want to go back up one FREE SOFTWARE BONUS! level, double click on the first folder in the list with the two periods underneath it. Also included on this CD-ROM is a amazing Internet helper call Zip Up The Web. To browse the GIF files you need to have a Windows 98 / 95 web browser such as Microsoft Zip Up The Web! allows users to download and capture an HTML page and all related files Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator. To do this, start your browser. (You do NOT need to be on that page without having to download text and graphics on the page manually. ZUTW online.) Go to FILE / OPEN and then click on the BROWSE button. 'In the "Look in" box, click the then creates a self-extracting executable of all the files which make up the page content down arrow and navigate to your CD-ROM drive. Double click on the folder entitled Webgen. on the user's hard disk, saving valuable space. You will see a file after the Lines folder called Index.htm. Click on this file and then click OPEN. Users can also send the exact page to a co-worker, friend or family member for offline This will allow you to browse the GIF images. viewing instead of forwarding a page URL, which may change by the time it's viewed. IMPORTING THE WMF IMAGES: To install Zip Up The Web, open the "ZIPUPTHEWEB" folder on the CD-ROM and double Most programs require you to use their 'import' or 'insert picture' feature in order for you to click on the SETUP.EXE icon. add an image to your project. Most Microsoft products use graphic filters (these filters condition Support for this version of Zip Up The Web is available online at the image so that it can be saved in the format of that program such as *. doc for Word or *. ppt http://www.zipuptheweb.com/faqs.html